Bio-Ethics Committee (BEC)

Dr. Muhammad Romman, Additional Director ORIC, UoCh Convener
Mr. ShahFahad Ali Khan, Lecturer Zoology, UoCh Member
Dr. Habibullah Nawab, AP, Department of Sociology, UoCh Member
Ms. Rizwana Bilqees, Lecturer, Department of Botany, UoCh Member
Mr Saifullah, Lecturer, Department of Zoology, UoCh Member cum Secreatary


  1. Ensure oversight research activities in research laboratories for their smooth functioning.
  2. Protect the subjects involved in a study and also consider the possible risks to the community and the environment.
  3. Assess the relevant ethical, legal, scientific, and social issues related to research projects involving human beings.
  4. Provide advice on ethical problems in biological activities.
  5. Assess scientific and technological developments, formulate recommendations, and contribute to the preparation of guidelines on research issues.
  6. Fester debate, education and public awareness of, and engagement in, bioethics.
  7. Approve, reject, modify, or stop studies that do not conform to the accepted standards.
  8. Encourage the exchange of ideas and information.
  9. Promote reflection on the ethical and legal issues raised by research in the life ssciences and their applications.
  10. Encourage aaction to heighten awareness among the general public, specialized groups and public and private decision-makers involved in bioethics.
  11. Co-operate with the other governmental organizations concerned by the issues raised in the field of bioethics as well as with the national and regional bioethics committee and similar bodies.
  12. Assessment of health risks from environmental exposure to hazardous agents.
  13. Health promotion in the workplace.
  14. Toxicology, including toxicometry, toxicity assessment of chemicals and methodology of exposure assessment of chemical hazards in work environment.
  15. Co-operates solving conflict of interest issues and in the protection of data.
  16. Ensure certification before start of research on animals.
  17. Certification will not be allowed in case of application of chemicals on human