Development Centre, University of Chitral conducted an awareness session on
Chinese Government Scholarships on October 04,2024. The session was attended by
prospective postgraduate students from the University of Chitral. Around 66
students attended the session among which 42 were present in the main hall of
the University while the remaining joined online.
It was very
encouraging to witness that the resource person for the session were former
students/ alumni of the University of Chitral who are currently studying under
the Chinese Government Scholarship in different institutions in Peoples
Republic of China. Mr. Allah Madad joined the session from the Department of
Life Science, Shihezi University China, Mr. Abdul Razzaq, Master student at the
Department of Environmental Science and Ecology, Northeast Normal University,
China and Mr. Mehmood Ishaq, MS in molecular ecology, from Northeast Normal
University, China.
The guest
speakers comprehensively discussed different types of scholarships available
for students in Chian. They highlighted the process and procedure of
application, timeline and other requirements to secure the scholarships. The
speakers shared their insightful experiences to become successful in securing
scholarship under the said program. Attendees of the session showed keen
interest in the session and asked different questions during the question
answer session at the end.
Mr. Fathul Bari,
Focal Person Scholarships and Environment Section, Youth Development Centre
University of Chitral welcomed the guests and attendance and thanked the
speakers for their time and support. He also thanked Mr. Tanzil Ur Rehman, Administrator,
IT and his team for their support. Mr. Basharat Elahi, student of BS Zoology,
moderated the session.